
kiarra ledbetter or kiki nicole, depending on the circumstance, is an undergraduate student at hollins university studying english and creative writing. a baltimore native, she currently lives with her mother and younger sister in charlotte, north carolina. she has contributed to all of the literary magazines offered by hollins, to online publications such as bitchtopia mag and the pulp zine, and to roanoke's local women's publication, bella magazine.

she writes poetry and short stories and anything and everything else from her dorm room with the help of copious amounts of caffeinated beverages and blalock's indie rock playlists. when she's not writing or completing assignments, she can usually be found reading, de-stressing with inane reality television or eating oatmeal. she's hoping to complete her first real chapbook by the summer of 2014.

1 comment:

Catherine said...

Hello, I found one of your poems on bitchtopia: 'Advice for Sixteen Year Old Girls...'. I am not sixteen and I don't have blue hair anymore. But it made me cry, and then it made me smile, and it pulled me out of a rut I had been getting myself into the past few weeks. Today I walked around happier than I have been for a while. Thank you so much, I always need something to remind me to ignore Sadness and give him a good kick out the door.

Your writing is lovely and I thought I should tell you my silly little story. Thank you.

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